

                             We all enjoy savouries and sweets at any time, regardless of the festival or auspicious day. I just imagined how life would be compared to their flavours. As a result, this poem was born this morning. You can all agree that life has a lot of different flavours. They can be filled with happiness, joy, ups and downs, unexpected events, achievements, and unforgettable moments. But, isn't it in our hands how we treat them? If we accept them wholeheartedly, life appears to be easier, paving the way for more new flavours in a more positive way.

Murukku instructs you
Life is full of twists and turns, 
Mixture teaches you,
life is spiced up with various sorts of individuals.
Gulab jamun tells you,
don't make snap judgments about people based on their appearance.
Rasmalai instructs you
Keep floating, don't sink in life, 
Milkmaid advises you, 
don't be too kind with everyone.
Because life is half and half
Maintain a healthy balance and enjoy these life's flavours.


These are the items i made during one of the Diwali festivals. I always make at home on every occasion. Of course i enjoy making all by my self.. It gives me so much satisfaction and happiness especially when i see the smiles on the faces, who relishes them.


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